Improving business performance

Business owners and leaders can choose a complete in-depth review of core functions, or a deep dive into any of the strategic areas.  Each of these are crucial for business success.   The GMI improves their strategic understanding, thinking and growth planning, leadership team alignment, and business focus.

The focus of the Growth Maturity Index is on the four closely interlinked functions which drive value creation and growth in all businesses: Strategy, Markets, Money, People.  

Access to Markets (marketing, business development, sales) is the No.1 barrier for all companies, including scale ups, and the biggest reason for business failure.  Money maturity (working capital, cashflow, management, investment) is an essential underpinning and enabling discipline.  And when companies grow and create new job opportunities, a robust People strategy (accessing talent, retaining, developing, performance) is vital.

Completing the GMI gave us the opportunity to review our current business practices and measure our performance.  It highlighted areas of weaknesses so that we could focus and decide precisely we needed to improve to grow our business.  The team have been very supportive and working alongside us, which is what we need at this stage of our business growth.” 

Sam Awolesi (CEO, Environmental Science Ltd)

It enables businesses to understand their challenges, grow their capacity and capability to develop and execute effective growth strategies, and align and manage these functions better – to move up the maturity index to the next level.

GMI offers the following benefits to businesses:

  • More in-depth than anything on the market providing the opportunity to analyse the current state of your business – written by experts, based on best practice.
  • Suitable for SMEs in all sectors and for all stages of the growth journey.
  • Clear, jargon-free language.
  • Online and intuitive, so you can access at the time that suits you.
  • Quick to do– typically less than 10 min to complete.
  • Instantly gain a comprehensive and tailored report tailored to your business, providing insights into your business strengths and weaknesses, highlighting areas for improvement with practical recommendations of how to start addressing them.
  • Written by business experts and successful entrepreneurs; based what works in the real world.  
  • Graphical outputs provide easy visual representation of where your business is strong and where improvement is needed.
  • For larger companies, the diagnostic can be taken by all members of your senior management team, and used to uncover and discuss misalignment or disagreement.
  • The tool is continually updated with best practice and insights by experts.

Unlike other diagnostic or benchmarking tools therefore, the detailed report is individually tailored to answers to 125 questions, and provides highly practical next steps and resources, directed actions for business to unlock growth, plus a range of additional options, from coaching and mentoring, consultancy, and 40+ hours of high-quality e-learning. 

Contact us now to get the GMI to support your business community